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Updated: Aug 16, 2023

A Step-by-Step Guide to the New Job Search Strategy for 2023:

Are you looking for a new job? Or maybe you're just starting to think about your future career plans? Either way, we've got you covered! In this blog post, we'll break down a new job search strategy that can help you land your dream job. This strategy is all about being honest, networking, and building relationships. So, let's dive right in!

Step 1: Be 100% Honest About Your Search

The first step in this new job search strategy is to be completely honest about what you're looking for. That means no more generic resumes or cover letters that could apply to anyone. Instead, take the time to reflect on what you really want in a job. What are your passions? What skills do you have? What kind of work environment do you thrive in? Once you have a clear idea of what you're looking for, start sharing that with others. Use social media, like LinkedIn, to showcase your skills and interests. Share articles related to your industry, comment on posts from professionals in your field, and engage with others who share your interests. By doing so, you'll attract the attention of potential employers who value honesty and authenticity.

Step 2: Determine Your Ideal Target Audience on LinkedIn

Now that you've established yourself as an honest and engaged professional on LinkedIn, it's time to identify your ideal target audience. Who are the people you want to connect with? Who can help you get your foot in the door? To start, look for three types of people: industry peers, hiring managers, and recruiters. Industry peers are people who work in the same field as you but may not necessarily work for the company you're interested in. Hiring managers are, well, exactly what they sound like – the people responsible for hiring new employees. And recruiters are professionals who specialize in matching qualified candidates with open positions.

Step 3: Create Resumes for your Target Audience and Job Roles

  • Create a comprehensive master resume, then customize it for each job, ensuring relevance and alignment

  • Craft a resume summary highlighting skills, achievements, and goals, replacing the traditional objective.

  • Include only job-relevant experiences, skills, and achievements, eliminating irrelevant details.

  • Organize the resume with clear sections (Work, Education, Skills) for improved readability.

  • Prioritize content-driven design, focusing on well-written achievements rather than visual elements.

Leverage Improv in creating resumes to create more contextual engagement with recruiters and hiring managers.

Professionals can tailor their resume and get more interviews. Improv is a web-based platform that uses artificial intelligence to analyze job descriptions and provide personalized feedback on resumes.

Improv can generate a contextual resume summary and LinkedIn messages to the recruiter and hiring manager, just by uploading your resume and job role that they are hiring for.

  • Sentences that help you align the resume with the job description

  • Quantifying your experience

  • Identify missing keywords which are required in the job description.

  • Grammatical or spelling mistakes.

  • Resume Summary

  • Email to Hiring Manager

Try Improv and Increase your chances of getting interviews! Click here to learn more

Step 4: Step by Step approach on how to engage your audience on LinkedIn

  • Sign up for a LinkedIn account (if you haven’t already) and ensure your profile is complete and up to date.

  • Click on the “Search” bar at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.

  • Type in keywords related to the job or industry you’re interested in (e.g., “marketing manager,” “software engineer,” “human resources,” etc.).

  • Use the filters on the left side of the page to narrow down your search results. Select “People” under the “More” dropdown menu to filter out companies and jobs.

  • Sort your search results by “Title” (ascending) to view the most senior professionals first. You can also sort by “Location” if you want to find hiring managers and recruiters in a specific area.

  • Scan through the search results and look for profiles with job titles indicating hiring authority, such as “Hiring Manager,” “Recruiter,” “Talent Acquisition Manager,” or “HR Manager.” Pay attention to profiles with keywords like “hiring,” “recruiting,” or “talent management” in their job descriptions or skills sections.

  • Take note of the names and profiles of hiring managers and recruiters who match your search criteria. You can also use LinkedIn’s “Save” feature to save their profiles for later reference.

  • Reach out to identified hiring managers and recruiters via LinkedIn message or email. Personalize your message by mentioning shared connections, interests, or experiences. Introduce yourself, express interest in their company or open roles, and ask if they would be willing to chat further about opportunities.

  • Follow up with connected hiring managers and recruiters periodically to maintain a relationship and inquire about new job openings. Keep your messages professional, friendly, and non-spammy.Remember to always be respectful and professional when connecting with hiring managers and recruiters on LinkedIn. Build genuine relationships, offer value, and be patient; it takes time to land an interview or job opportunity.

Aim to have a 50/30/20% ratio of these three groups in your network. That means 50% industry peers, 30% hiring managers, and 20% recruiters. How do you find these people? Start by searching for keywords related to your industry. Look at the profiles of people who come up in your search results and see if they fit into one of those three categories. Then, reach out and connect with them!

Evaluate LinkedIn Groups

Join relevant LinkedIn Groups where your target audience is active. Participate in discussions, observe the types of questions asked, and analyze group members' profiles. This will give you additional insights into your audience's challenges, interests, and values. You may even discover subgroups within your target audience that require customized approaches.

Step 5: Show Up Daily and Interact with Them

Consistency is key when it comes to building relationships online. That's why it's important to show up daily and interact with your network on LinkedIn. Set aside some time each day to scroll through your feed, comment on posts, and engage with others. Don't just 'like' things; instead, leave thoughtful comments that add to the conversation. Share insights based on your own experiences or ask questions to show your interest. By regularly showing up and participating in discussions, you demonstrate your commitment and genuine interest in your field. People will begin to recognize your name and associate you with valuable contributions.

Step 6: Engage with Insightful Comments

When commenting on posts from your network, avoid leaving generic comments like "Great article!" or "Nice job!" Instead, focus on adding insightful comments that showcase your expertise. For instance, if someone shares an article about a new marketing trend, you could respond with a thoughtful observation like, "I'm seeing similar patterns in my own data analysis. Have you considered incorporating X strategy to maximize ROI?" Not only does this demonstrate your knowledge, but it also shows that you took the time to read and truly understand the content. As a result, people will view you as a credible source and appreciate your input.

Step 7: Send 3-5 Connection Requests

Once you've been engaging with someone's content for a bit, it's time to send a connection request. Now, don't go overboard here – remember quality over quantity. You want to build meaningful connections, not just collect names. A good rule of thumb is to aim for 3-5 connection requests per week. When sending a request, personalize the message by mentioning something specific you enjoyed about their content or how you relate to their work. Keep it short and sweet, and always use proper grammar and spelling (no typos!). Here's an example: "Hi [Name], I've been following your work on [topic] and really enjoy your insights. Your recent article on [specific topic] resonated with me, especially [one point you agreed with]. Would love to connect and continue the conversation." Simple yet effective!

Step 8: Seek Informational Meetings

After connecting with someone, consider taking it a step further by asking for an informational meeting. An informational meeting is a low-pressure way to learn more about someone's career path, seek advice, and build a deeper relationship. It's not a job interview, so don't worry about coming across too formally. Instead, focus on picking their brain and learning from their experiences. Reach out to your connection and suggest a virtual coffee chat or phone call.

Explain that you're seeking guidance and would appreciate their input. Prepare a few thoughtful questions in advance to show that you've done your homework.

Some examples might include:

• Can you tell me more about your background and how you got where you are today? • What are some common misconceptions about working in this field?

• Are there any emerging trends or areas of opportunity that excite you?

• Do you have any advice for someone looking to break into this industry?

These conversations not only provide valuable insights but also allow you to establish a stronger bond with your connection. Plus, sometimes these chats can lead to unexpected opportunities!

Step 9: Ask for Internal Referrals

Here's a lesser-known secret to getting your foot in the door: internal referrals. Many companies offer employee referral programs, which give current employees a chance to recommend talented individuals for open positions. Why is this beneficial? Well, for starters, referred candidates are often given priority consideration during the hiring process. Plus, having a personal connection within the company can vouch for your character and abilities. To tap into this resource, simply ask your connections if their company has a referral program and if they'd be willing to refer you. Be prepared to provide a copy of your resume and a brief summary of your qualifications. If they agree, follow up politely to confirm that they submitted the referral. Express your gratitude and keep them updated on your progress. Remember, this is a favor, so don't pressure them or expect guarantees. Just appreciate their support!

Step 10: Get Back to Everyone

Lastly, it's essential to follow up with everyone you've connected with throughout this process. Whether it's a quick thank-you note or a more detailed update, keeping the lines of communication open helps maintain those relationships. Imagine if you were to suddenly stop talking to someone after asking for their help. That wouldn't exactly foster trust or encourage them to assist you in the future. On the other hand, demonstrating appreciation and staying in touch shows that you value their input and care about their opinions.

Consider sending a brief email or LinkedIn message every now and then to share updates on your job search journey. You could say something like, "Hey [Name], hope you're doing well. Wanted to give you a quick update on my job search. I recently applied to [company] thanks to your recommendation. Fingers crossed! Anyways, just wanted to express my gratitude again for your help. Let's catch up soon." Boom – simple yet effective.

And there you have it – eight steps to a successful job search strategy that highlights honesty, networking, and building relationships. By implementing these tactics, you'll stand out from other applicants and create a strong foundation for long-term professional growth.

Are you considering a career change or searching for a new role? When asked about your motivation for leaving your current position, it's essential to provide thoughtful and strategic reasons that align with recruiter and hiring manager expectations?

We understand the importance of making a strong impression on hiring managers and recruiters during the job search process.

  • One of the primary reasons why candidates leave their current job is the lack of challenge and growth opportunities. Candidates who feel stagnant in their current role or do not see a clear path for advancement may begin to look for greener pastures elsewhere. As a career coach, I fully agree with this reason and have seen it time and again in my practice. When employees are not challenged or do not have opportunities to learn new skills, they become disengaged and dissatisfied with their job.

  • Many employees leave their jobs for better opportunities elsewhere. This could mean higher pay, more responsibility, or a better work-life balance. Whatever the reason, it's clear that employees will go where they can find fulfillment and advancement.

  • Another common reason for employee departure is poor management. When managers fail to support their employees or create a toxic work environment, it's only a matter of time before talented staff members start looking for new jobs.

  • Personal circumstances can also play a role in an employee's decision to leave a job. This could include family obligations, health issues, or financial constraints. While employers cannot control these factors, they can be understanding and accommodating when possible.

Why Addressing Growth, Skills, and Alignment Matters in Your Job Search?

We'll explore three crucial aspects to focus on when discussing your reasons for seeking a new challenge: growth, skills, and alignment with your career goals.

Highlighting growth opportunities is a compelling reason for changing jobs. Discuss how your current role has reached a plateau, and you're eager to take on new challenges and expand your skill set.

You might say something like:

"I've excelled in my current role, but I'm ready to tackle more complex tasks and advance my career. I'm attracted to this company because it offers a dynamic work environment with ample room for growth."


Emphasizing your desire to acquire new skills and knowledge is another persuasive reason for seeking a new role. Explain how your current position hasn't provided adequate opportunities for skill development, and you're looking for a company that invests in its employees' growth. Here's an example response:

"While I've enjoyed my time at my current company, I haven't had the chance to learn many new skills. I'm excited about the prospect of joining a forward-thinking organization like yours, where I can enhance my abilities and gain exposure to cutting-edge technologies."

Alignment with Career Goals:

Discussing alignment with your career goals is vital to convey your long-term vision and dedication to your profession. Talk about how your desired new role aligns with your aspirations and passions, and how it represents a natural progression in your career journey. Consider the following response:

"I've been working towards becoming a subject matter expert in [specific field], and I believe this new role will enable me to achieve that goal. I'm drawn to this company because of its reputation for excellence in [industry/field], and I'm excited about the possibility of contributing to its success."

Sample Responses:

Now that we've explored the three key areas to focus on, let's examine some sample responses to common interview questions. Remember to tailor your answers based on your unique situation and the specific job you're applying for.

Question 1: "What are your reasons for leaving your current position?"

Possible Response: "I've grown significantly in my current role, but I'm ready for a new challenge that will allow me to continue learning and developing my skills. I'm particularly interested in this company because it prioritizes employee growth and offers opportunities for cross-functional collaboration."

Question 2: "Why are you interested in this particular role?"

Possible Response: "I've always been fascinated by [specific aspect of the industry/field], and I'm eager to expand my knowledge and expertise in this area. I appreciate that this company fosters a culture of innovation and encourages its employees to pursue their passions. I'm confident that this role will offer me the ideal blend of growth, challenge, and alignment with my career aspirations."

Question 3: "Where do you see yourself in five years?"

Possible Response: "In five years, I envision myself as a seasoned professional in my field, having contributed significantly to my company's success and expanded my skill set. I aim to be a go-to expert in [specific area], and I believe this new role will provide me with the platform to achieve that goal. I'm impressed by this company's track record of promoting from within, and I'm excited about the prospect of growing alongside such a talented team."

In conclusion, when discussing your reasons for seeking a new challenge, it's crucial to emphasize growth, skills, and alignment with your career goals. By focusing on these aspects, you'll be able to articulate your motivations clearly and convincingly to recruiters and hiring managers. Remember to tailor your responses to each specific job and company, and don't hesitate to ask for feedback and guidance throughout your job search journey.

Over the next few weeks, we will incorporate these in Improv to help you programmatically generate responses.

How Improv Could Help Professionals Tailor Their Resume and Get More Interviews

Professionals can tailor their resume and get more interviews. Improv is a web-based platform that uses artificial intelligence to analyze job descriptions and provide personalized feedback on resumes. Here's how Improv can help:

  • Sentences that help you align the resume with the job description

  • Quantifying your experience

  • Identify missing keywords which are required in the job description.

  • Grammatical or spelling mistakes.

  • Resume Summary

  • Email to Hiring Manager

By using Improv, professionals can enhance how you present yourself to hiring managers to increase your chance of getting hired.

Try Improv and Increase your chances of getting interviews! Click here to learn more

Are you tired of stumbling through the "Tell me about yourself" question in job interviews? Do you struggle to showcase your skills and achievements in a compelling way? You're not alone! Many job seekers, especially students and working professionals, find this question to be one of the toughest parts of the interview process.

Expert Tips for Crafting a Winning Self-Introduction:

  1. Start with a Hook: Begin your self-introduction with a hook that grabs the interviewer's attention. This could be a surprising fact, a unique skill, or a remarkable achievement. The goal is to differentiate yourself from other candidates and make a lasting impression. Example: "I'm a recent graduate with a degree in computer science, but did you know that I also hold a world record for solving a Rubik's cube blindfolded?"

  2. Focus on Relevance: Ensure that the information you provide is relevant to the job and the company. Talk about your educational background, work experience, and transferable skills that align with the position you're applying for. Example: "As a marketing professional with five years of experience, I've developed a proven track record of increasing brand awareness and driving sales growth for my clients."

  3. Showcase Achievements: Instead of simply listing your responsibilities, focus on the achievements and results you've accomplished in your previous roles. Quantify your accomplishments wherever possible to demonstrate the impact you've made. Example: "In my current role as a software engineer, I've developed a cutting-edge algorithm that increased our client's website loading speed by 30%."

  4. Demonstrate Passion: Express your passion for the industry, the company, and the role you're applying for. Explain why you're excited about the opportunity and how you see yourself contributing to the team's success. Example: "I've always been fascinated by the intersection of technology and healthcare, which is why I'm so drawn to this company's mission. As a data analyst, I'm eager to leverage my analytical skills to drive meaningful insights and improvements in patient care."

Mastering the "Tell me about yourself" question is a crucial part of acing your job interview. By following these expert tips and leveraging the power of Improv, you can craft a winning self-introduction that showcases your skills, achievements, and passion for the role. Remember to start with a hook, focus on relevance, showcase your achievements, and demonstrate your passion.

How Improv Could Help Professionals Tailor Their Resume and Get More Interviews

Professionals can tailor their resume and get more interviews. Improv is a web-based platform that uses artificial intelligence to analyze job descriptions and provide personalized feedback on resumes. Here's how Improv can help:

  • Sentences that help you align the resume with the job description

  • Quantifying your experience

  • Identify missing keywords which are required in the job description.

  • Grammatical or spelling mistakes.

  • Resume Summary

  • Email to Hiring Manager

By using Improv, professionals can enhance how you present yourself to hiring managers to increase your chance of getting hired.

Try Improv and Increase your chances of getting interviews! Click here to learn more

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